Cisco SPA-1CHOC3-CE-ATM, 800-27745-02, 68-2501-03, 73-10053-04, IPUIBCBRAA 1-Port Channelized OC3/STM-1 ATM and Circuit Emulation SPA.
Restriction: The SPA-1CHOC3-CE-ATM is not supported on the Cisco ASR 1001 Router (1 RU chassis), but supported on all other ASR 1000 chassis. All the other ASR 1000 Routers support the SPA-1CHOC3-CE-ATM for Circuit Emulation application; but not ATM applications. Effective from Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3.0S, the SPA-1CHOC3-CE-ATM is supported only with these software images: ADVANCED ENTERPRISE SERVICES, ADVANCED ENTERPRISE W/O CRYPTO, ADVANCED IP SERVICES, or ADVANCED IP SERVICES W/O CRYPTO. The SPA-1CHOC3-CE-ATM is not supported with these software images: IP BASE and IP BASE W/O CRYPTO.