Scientific Atlanta DCM D9900
Scientific Atlanta DCM D9900 Digital Content Manager Transcoder
DS33GCA0A0A000004 is a high-density MPEG-2 to H.264 video conversion platform capable of processing a high number of video streams while remaining in a compact form factor with low power usage.
It has the ability to convert MPEG-2 compressed MPTS or SPTS to H.264 SPTS or MPTS, converting up to 48 standard definition channels from MPEG-2 to H.264 in a 2RU appliance.
The D9900 supports up to 48 Standard Definition (SD/480p) / 12 High Definition (HD/720p) channels in 2RU chassis. It can process both SD and HD in the same chassis and can be combined with other DCM functionality, such as DVB scrambling, BISS-1 (de)scrambling, FEC, etc. It allows ASI or IP I/O interface conversion and an ATSC off-air RF input card option.
Comes with 2 hot-swappable and redundant 270W power supplies